Grace Mel

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About Grace:
Sometimes, we don't really know how much we don't know about ourselves until we are asked that question. Other times, we can't possibly find one thing more
Mission Statement:
My life on this earth has meaning, until I find that destiny, I'm convinced I just exist for the continuation of living life on earth. So I'd rather m more
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Grace's Info
Name: | Grace Mel |
Gender: | Female |
Location | |
City/Town: | Athens |
State/Province: | Athens |
Country: | Greece |
Something About Grace Sometimes, we don't really know how much we don't know about ourselves until we are asked that question. Other times, we can't possibly find one thing to describe ourselves, for we are much richer than that. The only one word that I can imagine could possibly describe any person is: Magical (or Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) |
Grace's Mission Statement My life on this earth has meaning, until I find that destiny, I'm convinced I just exist for the continuation of living life on earth. So I'd rather make myself happy while I live, and if I happen to find a deeper meaning in life along the way, my mission will be accomplished. |
Grace's Interests
Occupation Space Cadet (HAHA) |
Activities I like sports and all that, but I'm more of an intellectual. I love to write, and my passion is literature and music. I read too many books to count, love pretty much every song I hear, and am a fairly decent actress.:D |
Music I like a bit of everything. I adore Rock, There's some really good Pop (and some really bad pop), R&B, Some hip hop, Dubstep, Classical Music, Oldies, Indie, I don't even know anymore! |
TV Shows Sherlock (the british series), Downton Abbey, and a lot more. I do have the guilty indulgence of some teen shows and I do find myself extremely interested in Pretty little liars. |
Favorite Movies Every one that i've watched so far. The top ones are: In Time, Music & Lyrics, The Bourne Identity, V for Vendetta.... This goes on forever. |
Favorite Books I don't have all day, and neither do you. SO I AM NOT GOING TO LIST EVERY SINGLE BOOK I'VE READ SO FAR.... |
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