Go to a stand up comedy gig
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
Stand on the greenwich meridian line - (5) people
Stand in a room full of butterflies - (2) people
68. Stand in a field of sunflowers - (2) people
✔42/365 - Stand out on a ledge - 04/26/12 (Beke (eRic) Richárd)
✔79. Stand in the rain, look up at the sky and feel the water drizzle down my body - 06/27/11 (Michelle Anne)
Stand on the equator - (10) people
Stand on Stage in Front of Thousands of People - 04/03/14 (Steve Morris)
Stand on top of the Eiffel Tower - 11/03/12 (Lyndsay Licata)
To stand on top of a mountain and yodel - (2) people
Stand on an Island in Lake Maitou on Manitoulin Island on Lake Huron - 04/03/14 (Steve Morris)
Stand in John Wayne's Foot Prints at the Chinese Theatre - (3) people
Stand under a waterfall - (127) people
✔See some live stand up comedy every month - 01/07/11 (Simon McEvoy)
try stand-up paddleboarding - 02/19/13 (Cassandra Bielecki)
Do a hand stand (unsupported) - 08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)
Stand in Times Square - 07/08/14 (Marsha Roberts)
Go to a comedy club - (4) people
Stand under a waterfall (to do) - (2) people
Stand on the shore of 10 Famous Lakes - 08/08/17 (Pete R)
Stand In a Field Of Sunflowers :) - 08/17/12 (Di Collentine)
Stand on the north or south pole - 04/03/11 (Kristina Manning)
Stand in the Middle of Britain - 04/03/14 (Steve Morris)
Make and host a lemonade stand - 09/17/10 (Tricia Bushnell)
✔Stand Up Paddle Boarding - 04/01/13 (Lance Garbutt)
✔Stand in Three states at the same time - 12/14/17 (Pete R)
✔Stand in front of a crowd of people and do my impression of Vince Shlomi - 07/28/10 (Tia MariaMargarita)
Stand on an active volcano - 08/11/10 (Nicholas Todd)
Stand on the boarder of two countries at the same time - (2) people
Attend a stand up comedy skit - 12/28/12 (Miranda Hogan)
Read Stephen King's The Stand - 02/04/12 (Kaylee Meek)
Eat a hotdog from a stand in New York City - 10/26/10 (Will Garrott)
✔The Stand - 09/16/14 (Lance Garbutt)
Stand in the Sistene Chapel - 07/08/14 (Marsha Roberts)
Try Yoga On A Stand Up Paddle Board - 12/31/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Stand in center of Four Corners of USA - 04/02/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Have a one night stand - 11/03/12 (Lyndsay Licata)
Stand under an airplane while it lands - 05/28/10 (Johnny 5)
Stand on Top of an Iceberg - (2) people
touch an iceberg, or stand on it - 07/21/11 (Kristin jkfdjsio)
30. Cry during a comedy show - 06/27/11 (Michelle Anne)
Stand on the JFK grassy knoll of Dealey plaza (Dallas, Texas) - (2) people
Stand on stage infront of thousands of people - 11/09/10 (Tia Bonocore)
Stand on the South Pole - 08/04/11 (Janie Niekamp)
✔Stand up for myself.... o.o - 07/08/10 (Diana Giraldo)
Stand in John Wayne's Footprints - 02/11/16 (Susan F)
Sydney Comedy Festival - 02/07/14 (Lance Garbutt)
Stand at the North or South pole (to do) - 07/14/11 (Susan F)
379. Stand on an Island in Lake Maitou on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron - 06/17/11 (Emma McD)
Stand in the Pacific Ocean - 03/17/15 (Deana Littlebear)
90. Attend stand up comedy show - 06/28/11 (Michelle Anne)