finish a quilt
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
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✔Sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall from start to finish - 07/16/13 (Susan F)
Finish Master's - 02/29/12 (Alexander Brittingham)
Finish decorating the apt - 04/03/11 (Catherine April)
Finish Fight Club - 01/04/15 (Alisha Ellis)
54. Finish a new coloring book - (2) people
Enter a sharp shooter comp. - doesn't matter how I finish - 01/10/13 (Tom Metcalf)
Start and finish project 365 - 11/04/13 (Susan F)
See the aids memorial quilt - 09/01/12 (Johnny Gonzales)
46 To finish a coloring book - 12/14/10 (Tyler Carver)
128. Make a quilt - 03/13/11 (Emma McD)
✔Finish a 1,000 piece puzzle - 08/01/22 (Megan Beeching)
Finish Ph.D - 02/29/12 (Alexander Brittingham)
Finish a new coloring book - (32) people
Finish my screenplay - 07/11/10 (Sarah Divona)
✔Finish a 3D puzzle - 01/19/11 (Geoffry Govertsen)
Complete a quilt - 01/02/12 (Angie Quinby)
finish Every Video Game i have not finished yet - 07/10/10 (Jonathan Rivera)
33. Finish 40/ 100 in the wonders of the world book - 12/12/10 (Shane Nolan)
Finish college class- Canine Specialist-get certification - 10/10/23 (Kara Willis)
Make a Quilt - (11) people
FINISH THE LEGEND OF ZELDA - SKYWARD SWROD - 02/08/12 (Lauren Dellicompagni)
Finish a 2,000 piece puzzle - 08/01/22 (Megan Beeching)
✔Finish Fountainhead - 10/03/10 (j nadonza)
Finish organizing my great grandmother, grandmother and father's photos (to do) - 08/19/11 (Susan F)
Finish a 1000 piece puzzle - 06/03/12 (Rebecca Orbegoso)
Finish as much of my list in 2012 as possible - 12/26/11 (Julie S)
Sew a quilt - 12/26/14 (Carrie G)
Finish a sketch a day book - 07/16/12 (Johnny Gonzales)
Finish everything on my work-in-progress movie list - 06/15/11 (Russell Doiron)
✔Finish Christmas Shopping by end of November 2012 - 10/26/12 (j nadonza)
To finish the n-game - 12/20/10 (Matt Halter)
✔Finish Reading 47th Ronin - 10/15/10 (j nadonza)
✔Finish my list of 100 reasons why I love him - 09/21/12 (maryanne dubreuil)
Finish an entire chapstick - 06/09/12 (Katie Cramatte)
Start - and finish - Project 365 - 01/04/11 (Mandy Koontz)
Finish writting my novels - 03/17/13 (Kaytee Tessier)
Finish a coloring book all the way through - 09/23/13 (L. Waldorf)
Finish my BCom Informatics Degree - 11/28/12 (Tiens van Zyl)
✔Finish Engineering School (DONE!) - 07/30/12 (Justin Concepcion)
Finish everything on my work-in-progress book list - 06/15/11 (Russell Doiron)
Finish my degree - (9) people
✔Finish my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles xbox game - 10/23/10 (Michelle Hudson)
Finish my cross stitch - 05/29/10 (Angel Reyes)
✔Finish a new colouring book - 09/23/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Finish Aleina Odlari's Story - 03/06/11 (Zimzala )
Finish a triathlon - (3) people
Make a t-shirt quilt - 05/20/12 (Annie H,)