Complete a full IronMan Triathlon
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
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Complete a bicycling tour in italy - 07/31/10 (kay o)
Complete a practicum in another counrty - 01/26/11 (Shana Marie)
complete a half marathon - (6) people
Go to the Full Moon Party - 08/03/11 (the nap)
Triathlon - (2) people
Complete 100 items on my list - 08/01/12 (Johnny Gonzales)
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Complete a jigsawPuzzle Without Looking at The Picture - (2) people
#56 Complete my Travel Bucket List - 10/17/12 (Lisa Pantling)
Complete 400 items on the bucket list (to do) - 11/27/11 (Susan F)
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✔Complete 100km - 03/27/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Complete a 1,000 piece puzzle - (27) people
Read the complete works of William Shakespeare - 08/03/12 (Johnny Gonzales)
Get a full body massage - (3) people
✔Complete 400 hours of Volunteer Experience - 11/14/12 (Corinne ~)
Read the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe - (2) people
Own a Full Wall of Books with a Ladder that Slides Across it - (6) people
Visit a Renaissance Festival in Full Period Costume - 03/01/14 (Steve Morris)
Complete Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - (2) people
Read the Complete Works of: Shakespeare - 04/06/14 (Steve Morris)
Complete a scrapbook - (5) people
Visit Full Moon Party - 03/12/14 (Steve Morris)
✔Complete 10km - 03/27/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Read the Complete Works of: Poe - 04/06/14 (Steve Morris)
Complete 5 Video Games - 04/13/14 (Steve Morris)
Complete a triathlon (any distance) - (2) people
✔Complete Project Management Cert IV - 09/28/10 (Cassandra Jones)
20. complete a coast to coast road trip in America or Australia - 10/10/10 (Mazzi wheatley)
Visit The Full House Home In San Francisco - 05/26/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Attend a Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan, Thailand - 01/07/12 (Elizabeth Allison)
Read the Complete Works of: Socrates - (2) people
complete a 1000 piece puzzle - 06/06/18 (Kara Willis)
Complete 100 Video Games - 04/13/14 (Steve Morris)
Complete 50 Video Games - 04/13/14 (Steve Morris)
Complete the Ironman Triathlon - 10/14/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Complete my degree - 09/22/11 (Jackie De Lima)
Complete the MCoB 2014 banger rally - 05/22/14 (Amanda Hesketh)
Complete 101 bucket list items - (2) people
Complete Earle Lindeman's 5 Fitness Benchmarks needed to save your own life - 07/20/10 (Scott Johnson)
Complete a Scavenger Hunt - 01/30/14 (Steve Morris)
Say hello loudly to a complete stranger who keeps giving me the cold stare in the train - (2) people
✔run a full marthon by the year 2013 - 08/27/10 (Melissa Reese)
✔Successfully complete Leadership/Management Training - 11/27/14 (Creative Kee)
Create a list of 100 books I want to read and complete them - 06/08/12 (Rebecca Gallagher)
Read the Complete Works of: Mark Twain - (2) people