Pay for a stranger's groceries
I know how hard it is to make your money stretch and some pe ...more
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Help out 10 strangers in one day - 07/07/11 (Penina Puyu)
19. Give large(ish) amounts of money to strangers - 11/24/10 (Jordan Sims)
56. Go to a new city for a day and let strangers decide what you do - eat, activities, etc - 11/25/10 (Jordan Sims)
pay off someone's layaway or groceries - 01/18/12 (Kara Willis)
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Go to a new city and for one full day let strangers decide what activities I do, what food I eat, etc - (5) people
Save up $10,000 and do random acts of kindess like buy someone's groceries, pay for someone's bill at a restaurant - 05/12/11 (Elizabeth Essex)
Get in a taxi, pick a random cab and say "follow that taxi" and go where the strangers go (to do) - (2) people
387. Buy a card. Write a nice message on it. Put in on a strangers car windshield - (2) people
pay for a strangers meal when i leave a resturant - 07/15/11 (patricia thomas)
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Place crazy bumper sticker on a strangers car - (2) people
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Dress up in a costume and hand out roses and compliments to strangers - 11/17/10 (Chloe Borrington)
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Help 5 strangers in one day - (2) people
✔Pay for a strangers meal in the drive thru - 10/25/10 (Brandy Layne)
Pay for a strangers dinner - (2) people
pay for a strangers meal in the drive-thru - 10/26/10 (Will Garrott)
stare at strangers to freak them out - (2) people
Randomly walk up to strangers, tap them on the arm and say "tag, your it" - 07/21/10 (Tia MariaMargarita)
Do a kind deed for 5 strangers - 11/01/11 (Lisa Jones)
Save up $10,000 and give it to random strangers, in $100 bills - 05/12/11 (Elizabeth Essex)
Hug everyone I meet, including strangers - 08/26/10 (Stephanie Brennan)
Dress up in a costume and hand out roses to strangers - 09/08/10 (Cami Juel)
Pay for a strangers meal when you leave a restaurant - (7) people
ask waiter to pay for strangers meal - 08/04/11 (Shay Cook)
Help 10 strangers - 08/11/12 (Johnny Gonzales)