Catch a Shark
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 10 Fighting – Type Pokemon - 11/30/16 (Lance Garbutt)
✔Catch all Pokémon Go: 17 Pidgeotto - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Catch all Pokémon Go: 08 Wartortle - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 65 Alakazam - 01/04/17 (Steve Morris)
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Catch all Pokémon Go: 34 Nidoking - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Catch all Pokémon Go: 101 Electrode - 01/05/17 (Steve Morris)
Cage dive in Great White Shark infested water - (2) people
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✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 50 Bug – Type Pokemon - 11/20/16 (Lance Garbutt)
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Catch my own lobster, crab, and shrimp... cook it all, then eat - (3) people
Catch all Pokémon Go: 105 Marowak - 01/05/17 (Steve Morris)
To go whale/shark fishing - 12/21/10 (Matt Halter)
Have My Picture Taken With A Grey Reef Shark - (2) people
Catch all Pokémon Go: 150 Mewtwo - 01/06/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 50 Rock – Type Pokemon - 12/01/16 (Lance Garbutt)
✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 10 Ice – Type Pokemon - 12/02/16 (Lance Garbutt)
Have My Picture Taken With a Whale Shark - (2) people
Catch all Pokémon Go: 40 Wigglytuff - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 110 Weezing - 01/05/17 (Steve Morris)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 108 Lickitung - 01/05/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 3 Pikachu - 11/20/16 (Lance Garbutt)
✔Catch all Pokémon Go: 04 Charmander - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
Headington Shark, Headington, Oxfordshire, England - 04/07/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 76 Golem - 01/04/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 10 Ghost – Type Pokemon - 12/01/16 (Lance Garbutt)
Catch a bride's bouquet - (4) people
Shark Island on Port Jackson, Sydney Harbour - 04/17/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 38 Ninetales - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Catch 10 Dark – Type Pokemon - 03/07/17 (Lance Garbutt)
Swim with: A Whale Shark - 02/21/14 (Steve Morris)
✔Catch all Pokémon Go: 13 Weedle - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
Kiss a shark - 07/07/14 (Marsha Roberts)
Swim with: A Shark in an Aquarium - 02/21/14 (Steve Morris)
Things to do before you're 11 3/4: Catch a Butterfly in a Net - 02/21/14 (Steve Morris)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 118 Goldeen - 01/05/17 (Steve Morris)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 45 Vileplume - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 137 Porygon - 01/06/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 50 Flying – Type Pokemon - 11/20/16 (Lance Garbutt)
Catch all Pokémon Go: 147 Dratini - 01/06/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 10 Water – Type Pokemon - 11/21/16 (Lance Garbutt)
✔Catch all Pokémon Go: 24 Arbok - 01/03/17 (Steve Morris)
catch a fly with chopsticks - (2) people
Catch Me If You Can - 09/30/15 (Lance Garbutt)
✔Catch all Pokémon Go: 93 Haunter - 01/05/17 (Steve Morris)
✔Pokemon Go Trophy – Catch 10 Electric – Type Pokemon - 12/02/16 (Lance Garbutt)
Have My Picture Taken With A Bull Shark - 06/18/14 (David Teasdell)
catch fireflies - (7) people