sleep under the stars in a field in france or italy
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
French Riviera Marathon (France) - 07/29/14 (Lance Garbutt)
See The Last Supper painting (Milan, Italy) - 01/02/16 (Susan F)
Get Field Medical Training - (2) people
Eat gelatto in Italy - 11/03/12 (Lyndsay Licata)
Riomaggiore (Riomaggiore, Italy) - 01/27/16 (Susan F)
Walk the path of a volcano at Undara Lava Tubes and sleep in a converted train carriage - 09/30/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Live in Italy for 3 months - (3) people
Post a letter on Juliet's House wall (Verona, Italy) - 05/04/15 (Susan F)
Walk along the Seine river (Paris, France) - (2) people
Sleep on the Beach all night - 02/28/14 (Steve Morris)
Sleep under the stars this summer - 05/28/10 (Sarah Jane)
Sleep in a Yurt at the Beach - 02/23/11 (Janell Brockaway)
✔Eat a Roma Tomato in Rome (Rome, Italy) - 07/11/11 (Susan F)
Circus Maximus (Rome, Italy) - 11/20/17 (Susan F)
Go to the Field Museum and see the T-Rex (Chicago, Illinois) - 02/05/12 (Susan F)
See the Tour De France in France - 03/29/14 (Steve Morris)
Go to the Tour De France - 08/18/13 (Lance Garbutt)
La Ronde des Foies Gras (France) - 07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)
Sleep on a roof for the night - 12/22/11 (Lyz Betz)
Eat a Monte Cristo in Monte Cristo (Monte Cristo, Italy) - 07/11/11 (Susan F)
Millau Viaduct, France - 04/07/13 (Lance Garbutt)
✔Travel destination: Rome, Italy - 08/05/13 (Christina Christensen)
Live in Copenhagen and Italy for 3 months each - 09/14/11 (gracie grace)
✔Run across a field of stinging nettles - 10/08/14 (Lance Garbutt)
Italy - (9) people
See the Tour de France - (3) people
✔Experience Italy. Drag a friend - 06/14/12 (fcking -a)
Go to Crete, Italy - 04/24/15 (Corinne ~)
Tropea Beach Italy - 06/04/18 (Corinne ~)
Cliffs (Etretat, France) - 09/29/15 (Susan F)
Hellfest, Rue du Champ Louet, France - 07/18/14 (Lance Garbutt)
Sleep overnight on a beach - 06/07/13 (David Asselin)
VIsit Sea of Stars, Vaadhoo Island, Maldives - 03/28/14 (Michael Hill-Jackson)
La Trans'Aq (France) - 07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)
Pantheon Italy - 04/03/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Eze in the French Riviera (Eze, France) - 04/22/16 (Susan F)
•Sleep in a tent - 11/07/12 (Yana Lk)
have sex in a field of poppies - 10/18/11 (Gemma Campbell)
Venice, Italy - 03/14/15 (Deana Littlebear)
✔Travel destination: Paris, France - 08/05/13 (Christina Christensen)
✔Mini Statue Of Statue Of Liberity - Paris France - 06/19/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Eat a French Bread /Baguette in France - (2) people
Visit Emily when she moves to France - 05/11/10 (ShaVonne Miller)
Hike Via Krupp (Capri Island Walk) (Capri, Italy) - 01/31/16 (Susan F)
✔Sleep in an abandoned house - 08/01/14 (Esther Joy)
Visit Northern Italy - 03/14/14 (Steve Morris)
✔look up at the stars in Muskoka - 06/19/12 (Michelle Anne)
Live a year in Italy and learn properly Italian - 07/17/10 (JO Dudi)
✔Kiss at the top of the Eiffle Tower (Paris, France) - 11/22/11 (Susan F)
Fascinating Beach House in Bora Bora Island, France - 01/13/14 (Lance Garbutt)