Write a book
Everyone likes to tell their story, some don't, but I do and ...more
Everyone in class knows the whole story. It's been read so m ...more
Becoming a famous author - another dream of mine.
kids book and/or DIY ideas
it doesn't have to get published. just wrote
I'm already writing a novel at 14 & I love to write things. ...more
I love writing, why wouldn't I want to complete my novel?
Other than Human Resources Manuals!
Wrote my first book! "My Brother, My Friend"...about my jour ...more
It's always been a dream!
I've tried 3 times already...
Novel - comedy of my dating experiences!!! LOL
When I was little I wanted to be an author. So it would be f ...more
a perfect way to express your feelings, would love to do a c ...more
I'm hoping after school I'll be able to return to my simpler ...more
Its my life, so why not?
I want to be just like my best friend Judy.
Fiction or non-fiction. Good or bad. Everyone has something ...more
I know I have a book in me somewhere :).
I have a lot to write about, but haven't overcome procrastin ...more
To feel accomplished
I have a lot to share..Just need an audience!
I've published a poem, so a book is next!
Tell a story, and have it last forever.
Practice writing more..
Hmm, may take a while, but i really wanna make a story that' ...more
I want to have a published book in my name... a story as rom ...more
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