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throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

become a youtube sensation  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Write a letter to my future self  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Walk along the Hollywood Walk of Fame  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Spend one day being completely silent  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Do volunteer work in a third world country  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Buy a car  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Go on an African Safari  -  11/18/10 (Nat zoy)

Learn another language  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Go on an African Safari  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

✔Take yoga classes  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Go to Vegas  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Go on a roadtrip with friends  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Go Zorbing  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Fly first class  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Visit a lifesize maze  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

✔Give blood  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Go To Comicon  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Take a Mud Bath  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Drive across the US, coast to coast  -  11/18/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Purchase a MacBook  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Visit Hawaii  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Give blood  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Get my P's  -  11/18/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Go to a Street Party  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Host a Christmas Party  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Be a movie extra  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Ride a camel  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

✔See my Bestest Guy friend from Cali Ian again  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

See My friend Aaron McNely again  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Get out of Debt before im 70  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Be someones Muse  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

ride an elephant  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Get A picture of a Linsense plate from every state  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Get married  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Host a Christmas Party  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Build a Gingerbread House  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

ride in a horse drawn carriage  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Catch a firefly in a bottle  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Send a message in a bottle  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Travel the world  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Live In California when im in my 20s  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Swim with dolphins  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Learn to say yes when you really mean no  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

✔365 things that i want to do in one year  -  11/18/10 (Crystal Moore)

Visit the Lourve  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

See the Taj Mahal  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Visit the Sydney Opera House  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Learn How to Take a Compliment  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Stay at the Galapagos Islands  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Learn to Meditate  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Ride on the back of an Elephant  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Take a Yoga Class  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Visit San Diego Zoo  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Learn to Play the Drums  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Swim with dolphins  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Learn to Play the Bass  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Go to Space Camp  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Work for Camp America  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

✔Do a water zorb  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Attend a Music Festival in your own City  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Attend a Music Festival in another Country  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Go on a canopy tour  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Follow in the Footsteps of my Favourite Travel Book  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Go Scuba Diving in the Great Barrier Reef  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Live in Paris for six months  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Travel the World  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Learn how to do a basic dive  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Set foot on six continents  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Go horseback riding in central park  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Walk a Marathon  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Take a Vow of Silence for 1 whole day  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Catch a fish  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Do a First Aid Course  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Jetski  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Make love on a beach  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Drive a speedboat  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Skinny dip at midnight  -  11/18/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Get down to 63 kilos  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Run a 5k  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Witness a solar esclipse  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Have a street named after me  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

Invent a Boardgame  -  11/18/10 (Stephanie G)

✔Photo-op 365  -  11/17/10 (j nadonza)

✔ride in a horse drawn carriage  -  11/17/10 (j nadonza)

Whitewater Rafting  -  11/17/10 (Jamie Johnson)

Play darts on a wall of paint-filled balloons  -  11/17/10 (Chloe Borrington)

Learn to play the ukulele  -  11/17/10 (Chloe Borrington)

Trust that someone can love me back as much as I love them  -  11/17/10 (Chloe Borrington)

Tell someone I love them and mean it  -  11/17/10 (Chloe Borrington)

Dress up in a costume and hand out roses and compliments to strangers  -  11/17/10 (Chloe Borrington)

Learn to make origami cranes, write messages in them, and hand them out to people  -  11/17/10 (Chloe Borrington)

Catch a firefly  -  11/17/10 (Chloe Borrington)

Be confident  -  11/17/10 (Sherrie Nymeyer)

attending a movie premire or other VIP event  -  11/17/10 (Stacy R)

✔ride in a horse drawn carriage  -  11/17/10 (Stacy R)

Learn to surf  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Visit a concentration camp  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Graduate from college  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Visit all 7 continents  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Adopt a child  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Read the entire bible  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Be debt free  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Fly first class  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Ride a mechanical bull  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Go White Water Rafting  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Send a message in a bottle  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Swim with dolphins  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Go on a cruise  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Ride in a hot air balloon  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Stand under a waterfall  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Bungee jump by ankles  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Live in another country  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

✔Start a bucket list  -  11/17/10 (Jes Cortez)

Take a risk on a dream  -  11/17/10 (Stephanie Bentz)

Go to a symphony  -  11/16/10 (Gemma Provan)

✔Get married  -  11/16/10 (Megan Beeching)

✔complete a half marathon  -  11/16/10 (Megan Beeching)

✔plant a garden  -  11/16/10 (Megan Beeching)

✔Get a tattoo  -  11/16/10 (Megan Beeching)

Get my P's  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Go on a random unplanned road trip  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Give blood  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight out  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Watch every movie on the American Film Institute Top 100 list  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Live in another country  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Get a tattoo  -  11/16/10 (Chelsea Searles)

✔Visit Hawaii  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Buy a homeless lunch  -  11/16/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Glue money to the floor and watch as people try to pick it up  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Buy some jam from a fresh farmers market  -  11/16/10 (Chelsea Searles)

Make it through my entire life without a cavity  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

See a ballet  -  11/16/10 (Madison Wallace-Sinclair)

Purchase a MacBook  -  11/16/10 (Chelsea Searles)

Be in the audience of Ellen's show  -  11/16/10 (Chelsea Searles)

Have a heart felt conversation with a telamarketer  -  11/16/10 (Chelsea Searles)

Go Zorbing  -  11/16/10 (Chelsea Searles)

Send a message in a bottle  -  11/16/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Have a heart felt conversation with a telamarketer  -  11/16/10 (Hayley Dewar)

See the Thanksgiving Parade  -  11/16/10 (Stacy R)

Be in the audience of Ellen's show  -  11/16/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Learn another language  -  11/16/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Swim with the dolphins  -  11/16/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL  -  11/16/10 (Hayley Dewar)

Swim in the Dead Sea  -  11/16/10 (Bethany Seddon)

Swim in the Dead Sea  -  11/16/10 (Chelsea Searles)

✔cheat death  -  11/16/10 (morgan mayfield)

✔Purchase a MacBook  -  11/16/10 (Bethany Seddon)

A complete spontanious holiday  -  11/16/10 (Bethany Seddon)

Make a life altering decision on a dice roll  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Stand under a waterfall  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Learn to drive a stick shift  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Visit Stonehenge  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Ride a horse across the beach  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Shave my head  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Write on wet concrete  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Buy a Mac  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Take a photography class  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Inspire my children to follow their dreams  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

See Big Ben in London  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Visit a Renaissance Fair  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Ride in a horse-drawn carriage in NYC  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Get laser hair removal  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Ride a mechanical bull  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Visit the Vatican  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Meet a President of the United States  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Milk a cow  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Visit Auschwitz  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Go on a safari  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Write a letter to each of my children explaining what I know about life and the lessons I've learned  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

See a ballet  -  11/16/10 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Tour a real castle  -  11/16/10 (sa ter)

Tour a real castle  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Go to Las Vegas  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Visit all 50 states  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Tour Pixar studios  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Go to a showing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at the Belcourt Theater  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Be able to use floo powder or be "beamed up"  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Make it through my entire life without a cavity  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Have my very own waterfall or other similar water feature  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Have a painting done of one of my gardens, or learn to do it myself  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Attend an opera at the Sydney Opera House  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Find a kid I teased when I was a kid and beg him for forgiveness  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Grow gladiolas as beautiful as my grandmother's  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

See The Nutcracker in NYC  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

See the 9/11 memorial in NYC  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

See the National Holocaust Museum  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Take The Sound Of Music tour in Salzburg  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Go to a DCI (Drum Corp International) World Championship Finals competition  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Write a barbershop arrangement of a popular song  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Research my ancestry  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Help families with special needs children either by being an Educational Aide in the school system or by being a parent advocate that attends IEP meetings  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Know that cancer, diabetes, autism, alzheimer's, lupus and heart disease have been cured  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Have a house-cleaning robot like Rosie from The Jetsons  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Hybridize a plant (probably a sunflower, iris or daylily)  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Learn how to ballroom dance  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Take a Mediterranean cruise  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Stay at the Maldive islands  -  11/16/10 (Adam Owens)

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Most Popular Things To Do In Bucket Lists

Get a tattoo - 281 people

Swim with dolphins - 262 people

ride in a hot air balloon - 230 people

See the Northern Lights - 229 people

Send a message in a bottle - 208 people

Go on a cruise - 206 people

Get married - 194 people

Fly first class - 168 people

visit all 50 states - 168 people

Skydive - 161 people

Go White Water Rafting - 149 people

Donate Blood - 145 people

Ride a mechanical bull - 145 people

Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans - 143 people

Sleep under the stars - 142 people

Ride an elephant - 141 people

run a marathon - 139 people

Write a book - 139 people

Stand under a waterfall - 129 people

Go skinny dipping - 113 people

Go Scuba Diving - 111 people

Go to Disney World - 108 people

Visit all 7 continents - 107 people

Go on a helicopter ride - 105 people

learn sign language - 104 people

Tie a note to a balloon and let it go - 100 people

Learn to surf - 100 people

Go Skydiving - 98 people

Bungee jump - 96 people

Go on a random unplanned road trip - 96 people

Graduate from college - 95 people

Be debt free - 95 people

Go Zorbing - 91 people

Take a photo every day for a year - 90 people

See the Grand Canyon - 90 people

Milk a cow - 89 people

Write a letter to my future self - 88 people

Throw a dart on a map and travel there - 88 people

Visit Niagara Falls - 86 people

kiss in the rain - 85 people

Plant a tree - 85 people

Go Parasailing - 84 people

Go whale watching - 82 people

Read the entire bible - 82 people

Go paintballing - 81 people

go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight out - 80 people

Ride a Gondola in Venice - 77 people

Travel to Australia - 77 people

Learn to play Guitar - 76 people

Ride a camel - 74 people

Visit the Great Wall of China - 74 people

be an extra in a movie - 73 people

Shoot a gun - 72 people

Learn another language - 71 people

Leave a letter in a library book - 70 people

Go Ziplining - 70 people

Learn to drive a stick shift - 69 people

Visit the pyramids in Giza, Egypt - 67 people

Leave a 100% tip - 66 people

Adopt a child - 66 people

Go to Ireland - 66 people

Visit Stonehenge - 65 people

Drink from a coconut - 65 people

go on an African Safari - 65 people

Sleep in a hammock - 63 people

Go to Hawaii - 63 people

Visit the Eiffel Tower - 58 people

See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California - 57 people

Watch the ball drop in Times Square - 57 people

Crush grapes in a vineyard with my feet - 56 people

Fall In Love - 56 people

Save a life - 56 people

Visit Italy - 56 people

Buy a house - 52 people

Visit London - 52 people

Climb a mountain - 51 people

Visit a real castle - 50 people

Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich - 49 people

Sky Dive - 49 people

Go to a Drive In Movie - 47 people

Go bungee jumping - 47 people

Go Kayaking - 47 people

Do volunteer work in a third world country - 47 people

Go on a hot air balloon ride - 47 people

Have children - 46 people

Visit Las Vegas - 46 people

Jump in a pool fully clothed - 45 people

Join The Mile High Club - 45 people

Visit Ireland - 45 people

Own a Home - 45 people

Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day - 44 people

Jump in a taxi cab and scream FOLLOW THAT CAR like in those movies - 44 people

Visit a concentration camp - 44 people

Visit Australia - 44 people

Run a 5K - 44 people

Pay OFF my Student Loans - 44 people

See the Northern Lights in Alaska - 44 people

Throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain - 42 people

Experience weightlessness - 42 people

Visit the Grand Canyon - 40 people

Go hang gliding - 40 people

Invent Something - 40 people

Capture lightning in a photograph - 39 people

ride a horse - 39 people

go sky diving - 39 people

Pay for the person behind me at a toll/drive through - 38 people

Ride in a helicopter - 38 people

give blood - 38 people

Find a four-leaf clover - 38 people

See Cirque De Soleil - 37 people

Crowd Surf - 37 people

Visit Japan - 37 people

have a reading done by a psychic, fortune teller or palm reader - 37 people

Visit the Taj Mahal - 37 people

Drive a Race Car - 36 people

Name a star - 35 people

Visit Greece - 35 people

See the Aurora Borealis - 35 people

Learn to Snowboard - 35 people

Go to the top of the Empire State building - 35 people

Ride in a Limousine - 34 people

Attend the Olympics - 34 people

Send a postcard to Post Secret - 34 people

Learn to meditate - 34 people

Go camping - 34 people

ride in a horse drawn carriage - 34 people

Visit Rome - 34 people

Finish a new coloring book - 33 people

ride in a limo - 33 people

Go on a safari - 33 people

Build a Habitat for Humanity Home - 33 people

Go to the top of the statue of liberty - 33 people

Volunteer at a soup kitchen - 32 people

Take a photography class - 32 people

Learn to ballroom dance - 32 people

Walk the great wall of china - 32 people

go rock climbing - 32 people

Get Another Tattoo - 32 people

See the Mona Lisa - 32 people

Visit Thailand - 32 people

Scuba Dive - 31 people

write a song - 31 people

Visit Hawaii - 31 people

kiss the blarney stone - 31 people

Have a baby - 31 people

cook every meal in a cookbook - 30 people

Fly in a hot air balloon - 30 people

Fire A Gun - 30 people

learn Spanish - 30 people

Learn to play the piano - 30 people

Visit Paris - 30 people

Meet Someone Famous - 29 people

Learn to fly a plane - 29 people

Go cage-diving with sharks - 29 people

Kiss under the mistletoe - 28 people

Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL - 28 people

learn to salsa dance - 28 people

Start a gratitude journal: Write five things every day that I am thankful for - 28 people

Swim in the Dead Sea - 28 people

Get a professional massage done - 28 people

Climb the Eiffel Tower - 28 people

Go on an Alaskan Cruise - 28 people

Go visit New York City - 28 people

Bury a time capsule - 27 people

Learn to juggle - 27 people

Go skiing - 27 people

go to australia - 27 people

Buy a homeless lunch - 27 people

Order room service - 27 people

Complete a 1,000 piece puzzle - 27 people

Take a picture with a celebrity - 27 people

Dance with a stranger in a foreign country - 27 people

Learn to surf - 27 people

Ask a hairdresser to do 'whatever they like' - 26 people

Run a 10k - 26 people

Build a tree house - 26 people

Quit smoking - 26 people

Go to Las vegas - 26 people

See mount rushmore - 26 people

Go to a drive-in movie - 26 people

Learn to drive - 26 people

Be a healthy weight - 26 people

Fall in love - 26 people

Go to Washington DC - 26 people

Go surfing - 26 people

Throw a dart onto a map and travel where it lands - 25 people

learn to ride a motorcycle - 25 people

Snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef - 25 people

Go to the mall of America - 25 people

Shower in a waterfall - 25 people

learn to play piano - 25 people

Learn to play the guitar - 24 people

Get a Dog - 24 people

Visit a lifesize maze - 23 people

Get my drivers license - 23 people

Dance In the Rain - 23 people

Swim with sharks - 23 people

Learn to play golf - 23 people

Skydiving - 23 people

Write a novel - 23 people