Most Recent Bucket List Ideas
Learn to surf - 07/04/10 (Hanna Hultqvist)
Send a message in a bottle - 07/04/10 (Hanna Hultqvist)
Visit Chicago - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Visit Las Vegas - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Donate Blood - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Ride an elephant - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Learn to surf - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Attend at least one major sporting event such as the Super Bowl - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Send a message in a bottle - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Sneak Into a Fancy Hotel Pool - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Run 6 Miles - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Get a Legitimate Tan - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Make Soft Pretzels - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Design a Room I Love - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Go to West Palm Beach - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Meet Lilly Pulitzer - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Drive an Antique Car - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Do a Flip off of a Diving Board - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Learn How to Play Tennis - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Play Squash - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Grow Out My Nails - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Cut My Own Hair - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Spend at least a Week in Australia - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Go to Greece (See Santorini and Rome) - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Sell a Photo I Took - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Enter a Photo Contest - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Swim 50 Yards Underwater (NO BREATHS) - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Go Indoor Skydiving - 07/04/10 (Deborah A.)
Go on a random unplanned road trip - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Try sushi - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
✔go on a cruise - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
✔swim with dolphins - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Finish a Marathon - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Read the entire bible - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Find a four-leaf clover - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
✔Do volunteer work in a third world country - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight out - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Send a message in a bottle - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
LAS VEGAS - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Jump off a cliff into water - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
✔Go to Disney World - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Still be close with my friends years from now - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Change somebody's life - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
✔Annapurna Base Camp Treck - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Go to watch Wimbledon - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Go scuba-diving - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Go on the Trans-Siberian Railway - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Have children - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Get married - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Donate blood - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Learn to play poker - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Visit the Eiffel Tower - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Visit the Louvre - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Go surfing - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Visit the Taj Mahal, India - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Go to the Glastonbury Festival - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Get a masters - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Get a degree in physiotherapy - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Be a member of the audience in a TV show - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Visit the Galapagos Islands - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Walk the Great Wall of China - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
✔Ride an elephant - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Go backpacking in Thailand - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Attend the Olympics - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Ride a motorbike - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Climb Sydney Harbour Bridge - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Walk the Inca trail to Machu Picchu, Peru - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Fly in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
See the Northern Lights - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Fly in a hot air balloon - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Zorbing - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
✔White water rafting - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Skiing - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Snowboarding - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Great North Run Half Marathon for charity - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
sky dive - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Bungee jump - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Learn some dutch phrases to impress my grandad - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Learn Italian and use it in Italy - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Learn Spanish and use it in Spain - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Take up yoga - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Learn the piano - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Learn how to play the acoustic guitar (so can at least jam out one song) - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Go interailing around Europe - 07/04/10 (Lauren Bright)
Stand At Platform 9 3/4 - 07/03/10 (K Johnson)
Ride in a Motorcycle Sidecar - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Skinny dip in the ocean at midnight under a full moon - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Eat pizza in Chicago - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Visit the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Play hide and seek in a hotel - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Dance in a mosh pit - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Build My Own Website - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Play hide and seek/tag in the mall - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Tour Europe - 07/03/10 (Jason Williams)
Eat At Medieval Times - 07/02/10 (K Johnson)
Change somebody's life - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Publish a novel - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Tour Europe - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Visit Rick - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Date that certain somebody - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Get a job - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Get accepted into college - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Travel to Australia - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Meet Jon Bon Jovi - 07/02/10 (Meg Stuhlmuller)
Meet a famous singer/band - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
See the Northern Lights in Alaska - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Go on a helicopter ride - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Tour Europe - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Go to my 10 year high school reunion - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Still be close with my friends years from now - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Make a time capsule and bury it - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Carve my name into a tree and find it years later - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Play hide and seek/tag in the mall - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Change someone for the better - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Witness a miracle - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Apologize to everyone and try and make a new, clean slate - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Have a family of my own - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Make up a new word and have everyone use it - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Play hide and seek in a hotel - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Be in two places at once - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Go to the top of the Empire State Building - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Visit Ellis Island - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Go to Disney World - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Go to Universal and ride all the roller coasters - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Go to Universal - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Go to Disney Land - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Go to Hershey Park - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Go to the crown of the Statue of Liberty - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Get a tattoo - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Write a book and have it published - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Finish writing a book - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Get married - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Fall in love and have it last forever - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Fall in love - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Visit the Science Musuem in Clevland - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Visit the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Visit the Football Hall of Fame - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Road trip across America - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Do a scavenger hunt - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Climb the Eiffel Tower - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Jump off a cliff into water - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Stay awake to watch the sun rise - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
Fall asleep under the stars - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Become Captain - 07/02/10 (Kaitlin Curran)
✔Go on a cruise - 07/02/10 (Kassidy Lynn)
Have money to spare - 07/02/10 (K M)
Eat pizza in Chicago - 07/02/10 (K M)
Meet the Harry Potter cast - 07/02/10 (K M)
Have a fling on a boat cruise - 07/02/10 (K M)
Tour Europe - 07/02/10 (K M)
Lose weight and maintain it - 07/02/10 (K M)
Dance in a mosh pit - 07/02/10 (K M)
Mardi Gras in New Orleans - 07/02/10 (K M)
Visit Aotearoa - 07/02/10 (K M)
Get married to a military man - 07/02/10 (K M)
Do the splits - 07/02/10 (K M)
Skinny dip in the ocean at midnight under a full moon - 07/02/10 (K M)
Kiss Clayton - 07/02/10 (K M)
Sleep in a Hobbit hole - 07/02/10 (Tadd Mencer)
Watch the sunset from an airplane - 07/02/10 (Tadd Mencer)
Write first novel - 07/02/10 (Tadd Mencer)
See my high school football team FINALLY win the Battle of the Bridge - 07/01/10 (Kassidy Lynn)
Visit my hometown's museum - 07/01/10 (Kassidy Lynn)
Earn enough money to go back and visit family and friends in Germany and Switzerland - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Volunteer feeding the homeless with family on Christmas eve - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Get married and have a couple rugrats perhaps :) - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Buy a house - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Go on a helicopter ride - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Sit on a bench downtown for a few hours dressed in rags to see how people would treat me - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Go to Ireland - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Learn Sign Language - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Amsterdam and Poland Trip - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Hot ballon ride - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Vegas Trip with friends - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
Go to New York City - 07/01/10 (Becky Stout)
live in another country - 07/01/10 (gayle alexander)
explore alaska - 07/01/10 (gayle alexander)
Make peace with my mother - 07/01/10 (gayle alexander)
Do volunteer work in a third world country - 07/01/10 (gayle alexander)
Learn Gaelic - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
Grand Canyon Skywalk - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
Meet Suze Orman and NOT Be Embarrased at My Financial Situation - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
Get My Bachelor's Degree - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
Attend a Penn State Football Game - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
Reach and Maintain a Healthy Weight - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
Learn Sign Language - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
Build My Own Website - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
Enjoy Disney World with Ethan - 07/01/10 (Rachel Storey)
✔Buy my own golf set - 07/01/10 (Katalina Anongdeth)
Go to Ceder Point - 07/01/10 (Katalina Anongdeth)
See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California - 07/01/10 (Kristina Pauley)
go skiing in the mountains - 07/01/10 (Amy D)
Get a tattoo - 280 people
Swim with dolphins - 261 people
ride in a hot air balloon - 229 people
See the Northern Lights - 229 people
Send a message in a bottle - 206 people
Go on a cruise - 206 people
Get married - 194 people
visit all 50 states - 168 people
Fly first class - 166 people
Skydive - 161 people
Go White Water Rafting - 149 people
Ride a mechanical bull - 145 people
Donate Blood - 143 people
Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans - 143 people
Sleep under the stars - 141 people
Ride an elephant - 140 people
run a marathon - 139 people
Write a book - 138 people
Stand under a waterfall - 128 people
Go skinny dipping - 113 people
Go Scuba Diving - 111 people
Go to Disney World - 108 people
Visit all 7 continents - 107 people
learn sign language - 104 people
Go on a helicopter ride - 104 people
Tie a note to a balloon and let it go - 100 people
Learn to surf - 100 people
Go Skydiving - 98 people
Bungee jump - 96 people
Go on a random unplanned road trip - 96 people
Graduate from college - 95 people
Be debt free - 95 people
Take a photo every day for a year - 90 people
Go Zorbing - 90 people
See the Grand Canyon - 90 people
Write a letter to my future self - 88 people
Throw a dart on a map and travel there - 88 people
Milk a cow - 88 people
Visit Niagara Falls - 86 people
Plant a tree - 85 people
kiss in the rain - 84 people
Go Parasailing - 83 people
Go whale watching - 82 people
Read the entire bible - 81 people
Go paintballing - 80 people
go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight out - 80 people
Ride a Gondola in Venice - 77 people
Travel to Australia - 77 people
Learn to play Guitar - 75 people
Visit the Great Wall of China - 74 people
Ride a camel - 73 people
be an extra in a movie - 73 people
Shoot a gun - 71 people
Learn another language - 71 people
Leave a letter in a library book - 70 people
Learn to drive a stick shift - 69 people
Go Ziplining - 69 people
Visit the pyramids in Giza, Egypt - 67 people
Leave a 100% tip - 66 people
Adopt a child - 66 people
Go to Ireland - 66 people
Visit Stonehenge - 65 people
go on an African Safari - 65 people
Drink from a coconut - 64 people
Sleep in a hammock - 63 people
Go to Hawaii - 63 people
Visit the Eiffel Tower - 57 people
See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California - 57 people
Watch the ball drop in Times Square - 57 people
Crush grapes in a vineyard with my feet - 56 people
Fall In Love - 56 people
Save a life - 56 people
Visit Italy - 56 people
Buy a house - 52 people
Visit London - 52 people
Visit a real castle - 50 people
Climb a mountain - 50 people
Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich - 49 people
Sky Dive - 49 people
Go to a Drive In Movie - 47 people
Go Kayaking - 47 people
Do volunteer work in a third world country - 47 people
Go on a hot air balloon ride - 47 people
Go bungee jumping - 46 people
Jump in a pool fully clothed - 45 people
Join The Mile High Club - 45 people
Visit Ireland - 45 people
Have children - 45 people
Own a Home - 45 people
Visit Las Vegas - 45 people
Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day - 44 people
Jump in a taxi cab and scream FOLLOW THAT CAR like in those movies - 44 people
Visit a concentration camp - 44 people
Visit Australia - 44 people
Run a 5K - 44 people
Pay OFF my Student Loans - 44 people
See the Northern Lights in Alaska - 44 people
Throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain - 42 people
Experience weightlessness - 41 people
Visit the Grand Canyon - 40 people
Go hang gliding - 40 people
Invent Something - 40 people
Capture lightning in a photograph - 39 people
go sky diving - 39 people
Pay for the person behind me at a toll/drive through - 38 people
Ride in a helicopter - 38 people
give blood - 38 people
ride a horse - 38 people
Find a four-leaf clover - 38 people
See Cirque De Soleil - 37 people
Crowd Surf - 37 people
Visit Japan - 37 people
have a reading done by a psychic, fortune teller or palm reader - 37 people
Drive a Race Car - 36 people
Visit the Taj Mahal - 36 people
Name a star - 35 people
Visit Greece - 35 people
Learn to Snowboard - 35 people
Go to the top of the Empire State building - 35 people
Ride in a Limousine - 34 people
Attend the Olympics - 34 people
Send a postcard to Post Secret - 34 people
Learn to meditate - 34 people
See the Aurora Borealis - 34 people
ride in a horse drawn carriage - 34 people
Visit Rome - 34 people
ride in a limo - 33 people
Go on a safari - 33 people
Go camping - 33 people
Build a Habitat for Humanity Home - 33 people
Go to the top of the statue of liberty - 33 people
Volunteer at a soup kitchen - 32 people
Learn to ballroom dance - 32 people
go rock climbing - 32 people
Get Another Tattoo - 32 people
See the Mona Lisa - 32 people
Visit Thailand - 32 people
Scuba Dive - 31 people
Walk the great wall of china - 31 people
write a song - 31 people
Visit Hawaii - 31 people
kiss the blarney stone - 31 people
Have a baby - 31 people
cook every meal in a cookbook - 30 people
Learn to play the piano - 30 people
Visit Paris - 30 people
Fly in a hot air balloon - 29 people
Meet Someone Famous - 29 people
Fire A Gun - 29 people
Learn to fly a plane - 29 people
learn Spanish - 29 people
Go cage-diving with sharks - 29 people
Kiss under the mistletoe - 28 people
Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL - 28 people
learn to salsa dance - 28 people
Start a gratitude journal: Write five things every day that I am thankful for - 28 people
Get a professional massage done - 28 people
Climb the Eiffel Tower - 28 people
Go on an Alaskan Cruise - 28 people
Go visit New York City - 28 people
Bury a time capsule - 27 people
Learn to juggle - 27 people
Go skiing - 27 people
go to australia - 27 people
Order room service - 27 people
Complete a 1,000 piece puzzle - 27 people
Take a picture with a celebrity - 27 people
Dance with a stranger in a foreign country - 27 people
Learn to surf - 27 people
Ask a hairdresser to do 'whatever they like' - 26 people
Build a tree house - 26 people
Go to Las vegas - 26 people
See mount rushmore - 26 people
Go to a drive-in movie - 26 people
Learn to drive - 26 people
Be a healthy weight - 26 people
Fall in love - 26 people
Go to Washington DC - 26 people
Go surfing - 26 people
Throw a dart onto a map and travel where it lands - 25 people
learn to ride a motorcycle - 25 people
Run a 10k - 25 people
Quit smoking - 25 people
Snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef - 25 people
Go to the mall of America - 25 people
Shower in a waterfall - 25 people
learn to play piano - 25 people
Learn to play the guitar - 24 people
Get a Dog - 24 people
Visit a lifesize maze - 23 people
Dance In the Rain - 23 people
Swim with sharks - 23 people
Learn to play golf - 23 people
Skydiving - 23 people
Write a novel - 23 people
Get my drivers license - 22 people
Participate in La Tomatina - 22 people
Go to a Zumba class - 21 people
Go Dog Sledding - 21 people
Find a four leaf clover - 21 people