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✔Visit Crown Fountain in Chicago  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Visit Niagra Falls in a boat ride  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Watch a dinner show in Tennessee  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Go Zorbing  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Create a popular blog  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Dance on a bar top  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Dance on a table  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Climb a Solo - Illinos , North America  -  08/01/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Keep a pet for it's entire life  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Do a flip off a diving board  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

See my kids get married  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Have a daughter  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Cuddle by a fire with my love  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Walk across the dam in Hamilton  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔catch a fish  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Get a meaningful tattoo  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

World Championship Pumpkin Chuckin Festival  -  08/01/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Visit the Grand Canyon  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Visit Mount Rushmore  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Stand in two places at once  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Receive flowers from someone  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Receive a gigantic stuffed animal from someone  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Graduate college  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Send a message in a bottle out to sea  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Kiss at the top of a Ferris Wheel  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

See the Northern Lights  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Have sex somewhere crazy  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Kiss in a movie theatre  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Ride a Merry Go Round  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

See a stand up comedian live  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Win something out of a claw machine  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Have a loved one win a stuffed animal at a carnival/fair for me  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Move out of my hometown to somewhere unfamilar  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Prank Call Someone  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Float in the Dead Sea  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Run the "Rocky" steps in Philly  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go to a Foam Party  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Party all night nonstop  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Ride in a limo  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Catch a bride's bouquet  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Go to a wild Bachelorette Party  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Land my dream job  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Give someone a makeover  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Create a family tree  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Plant a tree  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Make a difference in the world  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Obtain my Doctorate Degree  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Obtain my Master's Degree  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Obtain my Bachelor's Degree  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Dance with my dad at my wedding  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Get in a bar fight and get kicked out of the bar  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Get in a real fist fight and win  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Go skinny dipping  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Become a mother  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Watch "The Bucket List"  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Jump into a pool fully clothed  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

donate blood  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Run from the law  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Own a Pomeranian  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Jump out of a moving vehicle  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go to the Trampoline Bridge in Paris  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

See the CM Tower in Toronto  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Go on a road trip with friends  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Perform in an Orchestra  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Watch a Broadway play  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go to a 3D movie  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Have a movie theatre in my own home  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Quit smoking  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Overcome Addiction  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Overcome Depression  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Pass a field sobriety test  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Spend the night in a padded cell  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Get arrested  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Get an awesome credit score  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Own a house  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go paintballing  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go Kayaking  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Use a Ouija board  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Experience real paranormal activity  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Listen to an acapella group live  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Listen to a street musician in Seattle, WA  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Go to the top of the Seattle Space Needle  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Watch a hula dance in Hawaii  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Go wakeboarding  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Play on water blow ups  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Get a letter from a secret admirer  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Flash someone  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Swim in a public fountain  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Help save a life  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Solve a Rubik's cube  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Bob for apples and catch one  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Get a body piercing  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Roll on ecstasy  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Trip on shrooms  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Write a love letter and vice versa  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Unwrap a starburst with my tongue  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Have a meal prepared in front of you at a Japanese Hibachi grill  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Eat properly with chopsticks  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Start running regularly  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Try archery  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

See Cirque De Soleil  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Jump off of a pier  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Ride one of those crazy funnel water rides at a water park  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Ride a famous roller coaster  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Ride a water roller coaster  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Overcome my fear of something  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Jump into the Ohio River  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Steal someone's giant yard ornament  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Watch one of my favorite bands or singers in concert  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Take a selfie in the Magic Bean (Cloudgate) in Chicago  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Handwritten correspondence with penpal  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Get a lap dance at a strip club  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Sing at a Karaoke bar  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Cry my way out of a traffic ticket  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go zip-lining  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go on a hot air balloon ride  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Break or set a Guinness World Record  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Smash somebody's face in a cake  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Watch an entire series on Netflix  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Read the Hunger Games Trilogy  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Shoot a gun  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔have huge bonfire  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Have someone write and sing a song about me  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Watch a world renowned fireworks show live  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Jump off of a roof  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Take a picture in front of the Hollywood sign  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go to Myrtle Beach, SC  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Write my name in the sand on a beach  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Ride horseback  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Watch the sunset on a beach  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Watch the sunset somewhere special with a loved one  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

See The Egyptian Pyramids  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

See the Roman Colosseum  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Ride a gondola in Venice  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Write a letter on Juliet's Wall in Verona, Italy  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Ride on a ferry  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Visit the Statue of Liberty  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Ride the subway in NYC  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Visit all 50 states  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Watch a real Native American dance  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Watch the ball drop in Times Square, NYC  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go on a helicopter ride for fun  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Drive on the Atlantic Ocean Road  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔See/visit an active volcano  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

✔Go to the top of the Smoky Mountains in TN  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

White water rafting  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Wear the wedding dress of my dreams  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Ride a mechanical bull  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Sydney Marathon (Australia)  -  08/01/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Swiss Alpine Marathon (Switzerland)  -  08/01/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Surf City USA Marathon (California)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Stramilano Half (Italy)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

StonMarathon (Croatia)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Stockholm Marathon (Sweden)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon (Singapore)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon (Hong Kong)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon (United Arab Emirates)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

St Olavsloppet (Sweden)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

The Grand Canyon Caverns, Cavern Motel Room "Worlds Deepest Hotel Room"  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Spartathlon (Greece)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Soweto Marathon & 10K (South Africa)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Skovløberen Marathon (Denmark)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

San Silvestre Vallecana (Spain)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

San Francisco Marathon (California)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Salt Lake City Marathon (Utah)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Salomon Chianti Ecomarathon (Italy)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Sahara 100K (Tunisia)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Turin Marathon (Italy)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

TransVulcania (Spain)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Tour de Tirol (Austria)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Tjejmilen (Sweden)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

The Lost Dutchman Marathon (Arizona)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

The Little Rock Marathon (Arkansas)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Taroko Gorge Marathon (Taiwan)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Tallinn 21K (Estonia)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Vilnius Marathon (Slovakia)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Vienna Marathon (Austria)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Philadelphia Marathon (Pennsylvania)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Paris-Versailles Run (France)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Palma Marathon (Spain)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Outer Banks Marathon (North Carolina)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Old Mutual Om Die Dam 50K (South Africa)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Oklahoma City Marathon (Oklahoma)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

North Face Ultra Trail du Tour du Mont-Blanc (France)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

North Central Trail Marathon (Maryland)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Nordea Riga Marathon (Latvia)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Nice Half-Marathon (France)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

National Capital Marathon (Ottawa)  -  07/31/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Winter Marathon (Sweden)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Winelands Marathon (South Africa)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Warsaw Marathon (Poland)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Montreal Oasis Marathon (Montreal)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Monaco Marathon (Monaco)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Midnight Sun Marathon (Norway)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Midnattsloppet (Sweden)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Mezza di Monza (Italy)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

mBank Lodz Marathon (Poland)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Maui Marathon (Hawaii)  -  07/30/14 (Lance Garbutt)

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Most Popular Things To Do In Bucket Lists

Get a tattoo - 280 people

Swim with dolphins - 261 people

ride in a hot air balloon - 229 people

See the Northern Lights - 229 people

Send a message in a bottle - 206 people

Go on a cruise - 206 people

Get married - 194 people

visit all 50 states - 168 people

Fly first class - 166 people

Skydive - 161 people

Go White Water Rafting - 149 people

Ride a mechanical bull - 145 people

Donate Blood - 143 people

Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans - 143 people

Sleep under the stars - 141 people

Ride an elephant - 140 people

run a marathon - 139 people

Write a book - 138 people

Stand under a waterfall - 128 people

Go skinny dipping - 113 people

Go Scuba Diving - 111 people

Go to Disney World - 108 people

Visit all 7 continents - 107 people

learn sign language - 104 people

Go on a helicopter ride - 104 people

Tie a note to a balloon and let it go - 100 people

Learn to surf - 100 people

Go Skydiving - 98 people

Bungee jump - 96 people

Go on a random unplanned road trip - 96 people

Graduate from college - 95 people

Be debt free - 95 people

Take a photo every day for a year - 90 people

Go Zorbing - 90 people

See the Grand Canyon - 90 people

Write a letter to my future self - 88 people

Throw a dart on a map and travel there - 88 people

Milk a cow - 88 people

Visit Niagara Falls - 86 people

Plant a tree - 85 people

kiss in the rain - 84 people

Go Parasailing - 83 people

Go whale watching - 82 people

Read the entire bible - 81 people

Go paintballing - 80 people

go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight out - 80 people

Ride a Gondola in Venice - 77 people

Travel to Australia - 77 people

Learn to play Guitar - 75 people

Visit the Great Wall of China - 74 people

Ride a camel - 73 people

be an extra in a movie - 73 people

Shoot a gun - 71 people

Learn another language - 71 people

Leave a letter in a library book - 70 people

Learn to drive a stick shift - 69 people

Go Ziplining - 69 people

Visit the pyramids in Giza, Egypt - 67 people

Leave a 100% tip - 66 people

Adopt a child - 66 people

Go to Ireland - 66 people

Visit Stonehenge - 65 people

go on an African Safari - 65 people

Drink from a coconut - 64 people

Sleep in a hammock - 63 people

Go to Hawaii - 63 people

Visit the Eiffel Tower - 57 people

See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California - 57 people

Watch the ball drop in Times Square - 57 people

Crush grapes in a vineyard with my feet - 56 people

Fall In Love - 56 people

Save a life - 56 people

Visit Italy - 56 people

Buy a house - 52 people

Visit London - 52 people

Visit a real castle - 50 people

Climb a mountain - 50 people

Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich - 49 people

Sky Dive - 49 people

Go to a Drive In Movie - 47 people

Go Kayaking - 47 people

Do volunteer work in a third world country - 47 people

Go on a hot air balloon ride - 47 people

Go bungee jumping - 46 people

Jump in a pool fully clothed - 45 people

Join The Mile High Club - 45 people

Visit Ireland - 45 people

Have children - 45 people

Own a Home - 45 people

Visit Las Vegas - 45 people

Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day - 44 people

Jump in a taxi cab and scream FOLLOW THAT CAR like in those movies - 44 people

Visit a concentration camp - 44 people

Visit Australia - 44 people

Run a 5K - 44 people

Pay OFF my Student Loans - 44 people

See the Northern Lights in Alaska - 44 people

Throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain - 42 people

Experience weightlessness - 41 people

Visit the Grand Canyon - 40 people

Go hang gliding - 40 people

Invent Something - 40 people

Capture lightning in a photograph - 39 people

go sky diving - 39 people

Pay for the person behind me at a toll/drive through - 38 people

Ride in a helicopter - 38 people

give blood - 38 people

ride a horse - 38 people

Find a four-leaf clover - 38 people

See Cirque De Soleil - 37 people

Crowd Surf - 37 people

Visit Japan - 37 people

have a reading done by a psychic, fortune teller or palm reader - 37 people

Drive a Race Car - 36 people

Visit the Taj Mahal - 36 people

Name a star - 35 people

Visit Greece - 35 people

Learn to Snowboard - 35 people

Go to the top of the Empire State building - 35 people

Ride in a Limousine - 34 people

Attend the Olympics - 34 people

Send a postcard to Post Secret - 34 people

Learn to meditate - 34 people

See the Aurora Borealis - 34 people

ride in a horse drawn carriage - 34 people

Visit Rome - 34 people

ride in a limo - 33 people

Go on a safari - 33 people

Go camping - 33 people

Build a Habitat for Humanity Home - 33 people

Go to the top of the statue of liberty - 33 people

Volunteer at a soup kitchen - 32 people

Learn to ballroom dance - 32 people

go rock climbing - 32 people

Get Another Tattoo - 32 people

See the Mona Lisa - 32 people

Visit Thailand - 32 people

Scuba Dive - 31 people

Walk the great wall of china - 31 people

write a song - 31 people

Visit Hawaii - 31 people

kiss the blarney stone - 31 people

Have a baby - 31 people

cook every meal in a cookbook - 30 people

Learn to play the piano - 30 people

Visit Paris - 30 people

Fly in a hot air balloon - 29 people

Meet Someone Famous - 29 people

Fire A Gun - 29 people

Learn to fly a plane - 29 people

learn Spanish - 29 people

Go cage-diving with sharks - 29 people

Kiss under the mistletoe - 28 people

Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL - 28 people

learn to salsa dance - 28 people

Start a gratitude journal: Write five things every day that I am thankful for - 28 people

Get a professional massage done - 28 people

Climb the Eiffel Tower - 28 people

Go on an Alaskan Cruise - 28 people

Go visit New York City - 28 people

Bury a time capsule - 27 people

Learn to juggle - 27 people

Go skiing - 27 people

go to australia - 27 people

Order room service - 27 people

Complete a 1,000 piece puzzle - 27 people

Take a picture with a celebrity - 27 people

Dance with a stranger in a foreign country - 27 people

Learn to surf - 27 people

Ask a hairdresser to do 'whatever they like' - 26 people

Build a tree house - 26 people

Go to Las vegas - 26 people

See mount rushmore - 26 people

Go to a drive-in movie - 26 people

Learn to drive - 26 people

Be a healthy weight - 26 people

Fall in love - 26 people

Go to Washington DC - 26 people

Go surfing - 26 people

Throw a dart onto a map and travel where it lands - 25 people

learn to ride a motorcycle - 25 people

Run a 10k - 25 people

Quit smoking - 25 people

Snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef - 25 people

Go to the mall of America - 25 people

Shower in a waterfall - 25 people

learn to play piano - 25 people

Learn to play the guitar - 24 people

Get a Dog - 24 people

Visit a lifesize maze - 23 people

Dance In the Rain - 23 people

Swim with sharks - 23 people

Learn to play golf - 23 people

Skydiving - 23 people

Write a novel - 23 people

Get my drivers license - 22 people

Participate in La Tomatina - 22 people

Go to a Zumba class - 21 people

Go Dog Sledding - 21 people

Find a four leaf clover - 21 people